Accessing Your Accessories

Organizing Jewelry.JPG

 I remember as a child playing with a jewelry box that had an assortment of clip-on earrings and matching necklaces. It was fun dressing up, even though the clip-on earrings were painful! Maybe that's why I didn't get my ears pierced till I was almost 30.

    I love bling, but still feel like I'm playing dress-up when I put it on, so I opt for a more subtle look and don't have all that much. If you're among those who have a collection of fine, costume, and/or sentimental jewelry, you might sometimes find it difficult to access your accessories. 

    Of course if you have a fine cigar, I mean, jewelry box like the one pictured here, you're probably fine. (I made it for my mom in the 60s; it looked "better" before the sprayed-gold macaroni fell off.) If you don't have one and need some up-to-date tips for organizing your jewelry check out the Timely Tips below.


TIMELY TIPS - Access Your Accessories

1. As always, the first step is to purge and sort. Remove the single earrings that have been missing their partners for the last five years and the broken items that your good intentions haven't fixed. Let go of the unloved and unused jewelry as well.

2. Sort your remaining jewelry into three categories - fine, costume, and sentimental. Consider creating a display of your sentimental pieces in a shadow box so you can enjoy seeing them. Or, designate a specific compartment in a dresser-top jewelry box for those items. That way, they don't get in the way of accessing the jewelry you regularly use.

3. Secure your fine jewelry in a safe, or keep it hidden in a hollowed out book or aDiversion Can Safe. Apparently sock drawers, the freezer, and of course, jewelry boxes are the most commonly checked by thieves.

For the rest of your jewelry, accessibility is the key!

4. The hanging pocket jewelry organizer is a favorite because it can be hung on the back of the closet door, or on the closet rod so that you can choose and retrieve your accessories while getting dressed. Bed, Bath, and Beyond has a cute one in the shape of a little black dress. One side has pockets for earrings and the other side has loops that hang necklaces and bracelets. You can find similar organizers at Home Goods and other discounted stores.

Jewelry Organizing.jpg

5. The velvet lined jewelry dividers keep your items from being a jumbled mess and can be stacked in dresser drawers. A thriftier version is using ice trays which can hold 14+ pairs of earrings each and are also easily stacked.

6. More re-purposing ideas: A belt/tie hanger can hang necklaces and bracelets. An accordion rack, formerly used for kitchen mugs, or a decorative towel rod with S-shaped shower curtain rings can do the same. The most unique repurposing I've seen is a metal rake (without its handle), for those of you with a more rustic motif. You can find that on Sarahndipities Blogspot.

7. DIY projects: A framed fabric-covered cork-board with decorative pushpins makes an attractive wall jewelry organizer. Even cup-hooks screwed into stained or painted wood strips can create lots of hanging space for earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and rings. Check out Pinterest for more crafty jewelry organizing ideas.

8. There are plenty of standard jewelry boxes, hangers and holders available everywhere from department to discount stores. I even saw some at Michael's this week! So grab your40% off coupon and find the perfect match for your newly sorted jewelry. Just keep in mind single layers-- the more you see, the more you'll use. 


Tagua Fair Trade Fresno  &  The Haitian Bead Project

Just because I don't wear a lot of jewelry doesn't mean I don't have impeccable taste! ( : Two of my favorite jewelry sources are Tagua Fair Trade Fresno  and The Haitian Bead Project (Website & FB). 

Both are suppliers of beautiful handcrafted necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. And both supply jewelry with a purpose! Sales from these non-profit organizations create opportunities for economically and socially marginalized producers - placing the interests of producers and their communities as the primary concern.  

You can follow them and find out where they'll be selling their products next by clicking the links above.

Comical Words

"Jewelry takes people's minds off your wrinkles."   -Sarah Phillips

You have my permission

Today is (gulp) December 13th. I can't remember a time when my house wasn't fully decorated by this date. My daughter, Candice, came over on Sunday and helped decorate the tree. The nativity's in place, the stockings are hung there's a fresh wreath on the door from a dear friend in Saint Ignace, Michigan, but that's about it.

As part of my coach training course, I'm learning to ask questions that help me let go of unreasonable expectations of myself, ornaments I probably won't use, and even traditions that aren't going to make or break our holiday celebration. 

  • What is most meaningful to me and my loved ones as we celebrate Christmas?
  • Who will notice if that third layer of ornaments doesn't make it to the tree this year?
  • Would a "the twins have arrived" card in April be a wiser choice for my time and resources than sending out Christmas cards right now?   

Not doing it all isn't failure, it's a choice. I'm giving myself permission to let go of the less important and focus on my top priorities. I know you don't need my permission to do the same, but sometimes we need to hear that "it's OK!" 

If Christmas has snuck up on you in these three weeks between Thanksgiving and December 25th, take a few minutes to prioritize and give yourself permission to not do it all. And, consider a few ways to simplify with the following Timely Tips.

Tip #1 - Consider purchasing one type of gift wrap and one or two colors of ribbon. It will save you time figuring out what to wrap each gift in and will create let clutter for storage. 

BJ's Pumpkin Bread.jpg

Tip #2 - Rather than trying to think of unique gifts for everyone, simplify with a theme - everyone gets movie tickets, or a scarf... if you live on our block you know you're getting pumpkin bread and Crispix cookies-- every year! Hey, if it works, stick with it. It's one less decision to make at the holidays. 

Tip #3 - Give the valuable gift of a peaceful and productive environment with an Organized By Choice gift certificate!

I hope you have been encouraged and challenged by the tools and tips shared in these blogs. Please feel free to email or call if you ever have any questions I can answer for you. Christmas blessings to you and yours!


 "Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!" The Apostle Paul


How to Have Enough


What makes what we have enough? 

  A few weeks ago I found myself wandering the isles of Kohl's looking for something to purchase with my $10 reward certificate. In my frugal thinking that was "free money" that I needed to use, right? But, after wandering awhile I realized I had succumbed to consumerism. I didn't have a list of things I needed, but there I was, shopping. Realistically, even if I had a list, would they be things I really need?

  Plato said, "The greatest wealth is to live content with little." Compared to the world at large, none of us have to be content with "little." But can we be content with what we have?

  Melody Beattie has found the antidote to wanting more. She says, "Gratitude turns what we have into enough."

  During this season of Thanksgiving I challenge you to be grateful for all you have and to exercise the Timely Tips that will help develop a sense of contentment all through the year.   

TIMELY TIPS - Steps to Contentment 

1. Start each day with gratitude. Choose to have your first thought be one of thanksgiving. Maybe it's as simple as "I'm thankful I'm alive!" Maybe it's being grateful for a nice warm bed that you don't want to get out of, or a good cup of coffee waiting for you in the kitchen, or an opportunity you know is coming up later in the day. 

2. Place a journal or calendar in the kitchen. Each evening record one experience from the day that you're grateful for. 

 3. Use your senses to trigger gratefulness. When you smell the sweet scent of orange blossoms, feel a puppy's fuzzy fur, hear beautiful music, taste adelicious meal, or see an awesome sunset, be grateful for the senses you have that allow that enjoyment. 

4. Live in the present. Say no to "what if" and "should have" thinking. Focusing on the past or future destroys our present contentment.

5. Shift your focus. If scanning the ads, web catalogs, Pinterest, and Craig's List is is a daily occurrence, consider investing that time in a relationship, exercise, or a hobby. 

6. Express your gratitude. Buy a box of Thank You cards and determine to send out one a week, or month until they're gone. Be creative in acknowledging people for things they have done for you or what they have meant to you. (You might end up buying another box when you're done!)

7. Volunteer with a group or organization that provides for the needs of those less fortunate.

8. Choose to hang out with people who are content.

9. Donate money to bring relief to victims of natural and manmade disasters. 

10. Purge the things you're no longer using and share out of your abundance. Make your donation a blessing to someone in need. 

BONUS TIP (from my soap box): Make gratitude a priority this Thanksgiving. Don't succumb to the pressure of making it a shopping day. 


As I work with people and their stuff, I find a repetitive theme-- more stuff doesn't equal more happiness. In fact, it can be just the opposite. Paul Graham's essay provides a timely perspective on our stuff.

Paul Graham's Essay - Stuff


Wise Words

"Gratitude turns what we have into enough"

-Melody Beattie

Is your fear greater than your pain?

"I have to get to where my fear is greater than my pain." This is how my client expressed her need for motivation to create order with her paperwork. 

Has your fear caught up with, or surpassed your pain of filing? How many hours would it take to collect the documents you'd need to refinance? Can you easily locate your family's birth certificates, medical records, or passports? How would you feel about an IRS visit? 

Today's Timely Tips will help you reduce both the fear and the pain as you create homes and easy access for your long-term filing. 

TIMELY TIPS - Fearless Filing Part 2

1. If you're starting with a file cabinet that you can't stuff another piece of paper into, it's time to purge. And even if there is room for more, it will be easier to find things if you remove outdated folders and documents. (See "How long do I really need to keep this?" for purging guidelines.)

2. Rather than having one long stream of A-Z folders, break down your files into categories. Place a tab that identifies the category on the right side of your hanging folders, and use the left side for tabs that name the individual folders. Here's a sampling of home office categories:

  • Tax Documents - W2s, deductions, bank statements, etc.
  • Paid Bills (non-tax related) - service provider statements, credit card statements, petty receipts, etc.
  • Permanent Records - Auto Records, Birth Certificates, Home Records, Medical Records, Pet Records, Warranties/Manuals, Education Records, etc.
  • Insurance - Auto, Health, Home, Life, etc.
  • Resources - Gardening, Health/Fitness, Travel, other hobbies, etc.

3. The simplest way to file non-tax related paid bills is in monthly folders. As you pay a stack of bills, file them all together in the month you pay them. Since they're not tax related, there's no need to keep them once you've received verification that they received your last payment, but this gives you a way to save them for that year. If you prefer to save them longer, you can bundle them in a large envelope, date it, and re-use your January - December folders for the next year. I wouldn't recommend keeping them beyond an extra year, unless you have special circumstances that would require it.

4. The only thing left to do is-- make a plan to file! Doing it immediately is the best way to reduce the overwhelm of a stack of papers looming before you.You might prefer to schedule a time to file once a week or month. I use a wire basket in my home office and when it's full, it's time to file. Set yourself up for success by making a plan and sticking to it!

5. If just reading through these steps is causing anxiety, there is an easier way. Check out Freedom Filer. This label system is user friendly and provides a home for all the papers you need to keep. You can contact me at for a pre-made system in the Fresno/Clovis/Madera area. 

Setting up a working system is an investment of time that will reap an environment of peace and productivity! 

Wise Words

"Making things work takes work."   -Maryann Donovan 


Now you see it, now you don't

When I started doing live TV organizing segments on KSEE 24's Central Valley Today, I was nervous, to say the least. Live TV... what's the worst that could happen? Well, fortunately outside of dropping a prop or two, and showing up in a green jacket the day they used a green screen behind us (which made me invisible), it really hasn't been that bad. In fact, Alex Delgado makes it fun! I'm glad I didn't let my fear keep me from doing it.

   If the fear of filing has created stacks and stacks of papers in your office or home, I can't promise I will make it fun, but I can offer you some tips on how to file fearlessly.

   Most people's fear of filing centers around the idea that if it's filed, it's gone forever-- never to be seen again. It is scary to think you might miss paying a bill, or forget to attend an event. But in reality, by the time your paper stack has more than one item, you've lost the visual reminder, except of course, for whatever's lucky enough to land on top.  

   Check out Timely Tips for visual reminder methods that will clear the clutter, and promote productivity. 

TIMELY TIPS - Fearless Filing Part 1

Step 1 - Secure a calendar/planner that works with your preferred mode of operation. Is paper your enemy? Use the calendar on your phone or Outlook on your computer to track your to-dos. Not so techie? Purchase a paper calendar. I prefer one with a week-at-a-glance and enough space to record appointments and to-dos.

Glady's Before.JPG organizing paper

Step 2 - Sort the paper piles into three categories: Discard (recycle/shred), Active (papers that need some sort of action taken), and Long-term filing. 

Step 3 - Take the "Active" paper stack and assign on your calendar specific times to take whatever action is needed, just like you would record a dentist appointment. In other words, make an appointment with yourself to do it. For your bills, you might want to assign two dates per month to pay them (i.e. the first and fifteenth). If you saved a business card to remind you to call for an estimate on some service, write "Call ___________" on a specific date on your calendar. This way you still have a visual reminder for everything you need to do, but now you only have to look in one place-- your calendar! 

Step 4 - Once you've recorded them on your calendar, place the papers in vertical files using a standard desktop file holder, or even a decorative basket in which folders can stand up. Label your folders with categories that best fit your Active paperwork. Use language that will trigger easy retrieval ("Bills to Pay" "Call or Write" "Coming Events"). Remember, for papers with deadlines, you're relying on your calendar, not on seeing your papers to remind you of the action needed. You simply need to be able to easily locate the papers, without having to thumb through a foot-high stack.

Glady's After 3.JPG paper clutter

Step 5 - Check your calendar daily and complete whatever Active paperwork assignments are listed there. Refer to your Active file holder for the corresponding papers. Skim through the files weekly to see if anything was overlooked.

Step 6 - Eliminate the "discard" pile and set aside the long-term filing for next month's instructions - Fearless Filing Part 2!

Comical Words

"Organized people are just people who are too lazy to look for things."

-Randy Glasbergen

Need to Get Organized???


Need to get organized? Feeling stuck? Tried and failed?  

Whether your life is an organizational nightmare, or you're simply looking for some tips to help you fine-tune things, this course provides practical tools to establish a more peaceful and productive environment. Topics include what to do with the endless paper flow, organizing your space, and how to manage your time and household. Brenda McElroy, owner of Organized By Choice, presents a functional plan so you can experience the freedom of life beyond clutter and chaos. All are welcome!


Sept. 10, 17, 24, 2013  

6:30-8:30 PM      


Clovis Community Education

1452 David E. Cook Way

Clovis, CA 93611

Register Online 

or call 559.327.2876


That Dreaded Question

I'm getting spoiled! We're hosting our daughter Candice, son-in-law Micah, and granddog Champ for three weeks as they transition from the house they sold to their new place. How nice to come home to the sight and aroma of dinner prepared! Micah and Candice are a great cooking team. If you don't have the luxury of live-in help, you might be dreading the question, "What's for dinner?!?"

Part of my motivation for posting our dinner menu when my kids were growing up was sparing myself from having to hear sighs and moans when answering that question. It's kind of like a tree falling in the forest. If you're not there to hear it, it doesn't matter if it made a sound or not.  

There were, of course, other incentives for meal planning such as no 4 o'clock panic, eating healthier, and spending less money. 

Today's Timely Tips will give you the tools you need to gain control of your meal planning and enjoy the dinner hour in a whole new way!


  1. Create a routine. Schedule a time, say Sunday evenings, once every other week to sit down and plan your menu. That gives you two Sundays off, and two weeks of planned meals.

  2. Gather your cookbooks, computer, forms (see #3), and lists.

  3. Use a free printable form to record what's for dinner like this the one offered by Picklebums (isn't that a fun name?) - Menu Planner. I use the two-week, dinner only planner. For more free printable options check out: 15 free printable menu planners.

  4. Try creating traditions to simplify planning and build family bonds. Maybe Monday is taco night and Friday pizza night. Have each family member record their favorite dinner and then serve it whenever he or she has an accomplishment or special occasion to celebrate. 

  5. As you plan your menu consider your schedule for the week and choose crockpot recipes, left-over nights, and less-prep meal ideas for the days you'll be coming home late. Check recipe websites like or for fast healthy recipes, BBQ, and crockpot ideas. 

  6. If you'd rather bi-pass the decision about what to make, will decide for you and send you a weekly meal plan based on your family's preferences. 

  7. Use the "cook once, eat twice" method by preparing enough for two meals and freezing one. Be sure to keep a list of freezer items (chicken you cooked ahead, casseroles, meat you bought on sale, etc.) so you don't forget about them. 

  8. Once you've set your menu, check your stock of supplies and create a list of what you need for those two weeks of meals. This will eliminate extra trips to the store and save time and gas. Set a grocery shopping day. I use the app to store my grocery list on my phone so it's always with me.

  9. If preparing meals at home is new to you, try easing into it with a trip to Dinner My Way where they help you prepare, or prepare for you "home cooked" meals. 

  10. is a one-stop free website and app where you can create your dinner plans, get recipe ideas, store your grocery list and much more! 

BONUS TIP: If there's more than one eating, there should be more than one participating in the dinner-time process. Designate jobs such as setting/clearing the table, putting away left-overs, loading the dishwasher and washing pots and pans so that the workload is more evenly distributed. 

For most of us, it's challenging to get a good meal on the table every night. For those in crisis (health issues, the loss of a loved one), or even good times like bringing home a new baby, meal planning can be overwhelming. is a website that simplifies meal coordination for someone in need. Friends and family can sign up for a specific day, see what others are bringing, and get the specifics about delivery, food allergies/preferences, etc. They even provide recipe ideas and a dinner order/delivery service, if needed! 

Their motto is: For those times in life when filling their table will warm their hearts. I encourage you to saveTakeThemA in your website favorites for a time when you can provide this meaningful service to someone in need.


Wise Words

"Learn to do common things uncommonly well; we must always keep in mind that anything that helps fill the dinner pail is valuable."

-George Washington Carver

Living in the Present

​Me with Candice, Rachel, and Chase on-the-way.

​Me with Candice, Rachel, and Chase on-the-way.

When baby number three came along, our oldest wasn't quite four. Needless to say I was in maternity clothes a good part of those years. Most would think it strange if I had continued to wear them long after the need was gone. As comfy as that might have been, it wasn't too hard to pass them along to another mommy-to-be.

It's funny, though, how other things hang on beyond their useful or logical timeframe. Some things stay due to their sentimental value, but others simply escape our notice. It wasn't until my kids were in high school that I noticed I still had coloring books and crayons taking up a prime spot in a kitchen cabinet. It was a great idea when my kids were small but, that's not what I need in the cabinet today! 

Life is short and keeping more than we need from the past, or saving stuff for the future can steal space, time, energy, and money from the present. Check out Timely Tips for a "Living in the Present" checklist. 


Living in the Present Checklist 

1. Closet - If there's a style or size you would love to wear again, but aren't wearing right now, keep your two favorites and store them in an under-the-bed container, or hang them in another closet so they're not taking space from the clothes you're presently wearing. 

2. Bathroom - What happens when you run out of your favorite make-up, shampoo, etc.? You buy more. So, all those make-up samples and hotel-size items that have piled up because you're "going to use them someday" need to go. If that's too difficult, replace your current supply with the samples until you've used them up!  

3. Pantry - Remember all those special sauces you purchased five years ago when you were going to learn to cook Chinese? Or what about the ten cans of beans you bought for the chile cook-off you missed? Maybe that's not you, but most pantries are harboring expired and unused items that are taking prime space from what you currently need. Make a quick and clean sweep, tossing the expired, and removing for donation the items that are good, but haven't been used in 6-12 months. 

4. Garage - "But it's still good!" If there's something in the garage because you've replaced it, chances are it's going to stay there indefinitely. Your kids probably aren't going to want it, and if your new one breaks it's unlikely you'll bring in the old dirty one from the garage. And, if you're like most people, you need that space for the more important things you're using right now... like your car!

5. Storage Unit - If "living in the present" criteria were used for your storage unit items, what would stay? Maybe holiday or event supplies, baby furniture until you're past that stage, or current home business products. But boxes of stuff that you haven't missed since your last move? Probably not. Clean out your storage unit and start thinking of a fun way to spend or donate your next few months rent money! (Sorry Derrel, but since the self storage industry grosses over $22 billion annually, you can afford a few less customers.)


"You can clutch the past so tightly to your chest that it leaves your arms too full to embrace the present"​

​-Jan Glidewell

Organize Your Paper, Space, and Life Class


Whether your life is an organizational nightmare, or you're simply looking for some tips to help you fine-tune things, this course provides practical tools to establish a more peaceful and productive environment. Topics include what to do with the endless paper flow, organizing your space, and how to manage your time and household. Brenda McElroy, owner of Organized By Choice, presents a functional plan so you can experience the freedom of life beyond clutter and chaos. All are welcome!

April 11, 18, & 25, 2013  

37193 Ave. 12 (Flipside Church - behind Ranchos Cafe) Madera Ranchos

$48/person; Senior Discount $40/person (60+)

Registration Deadline April 7th! 

For info and registration contact: Brenda McElroy Phone: 559.871.3314 

Email:   Website:

Smart Enough to Use My Phone


Dear Reader,    

Apparently the idea that we only use 10% of our brains has turned out to be a myth (Psychology Today). 

Until recently, that wasn't the case when it came to the percentage of my smart phone's "brain" power I was using. 

Thanks to the prompting of Alex Delgado from KSEE's Central Valley Today I did some research and have fallen in love with some great apps for my phone (and yours!). Check out the Timely Tips for details and links. View my segment on CVT below. 

Here's me getting all techy-- using my iMac to take of pic of my new best friend and me. : )  

TIMELY TIPS - Techy Organizing for Free!

1. - Clipix lets you clip articles, videos, websites, etc. from your computer or smart phone and pin them to the boards you create on Clipix. You can also take pictures or scan bar codes and clip the objects to your boards from your phone. My clipboards include home décor, organizing, entertainment, and gifts to give. You can keep them private or share them with friends. The really cool feature is the price drop alert Clipix offers when you clip something you want to purchase online, but want to wait until it goes on sale. An email will notify you if your product gets down to your desired price!

2. - Red Laser allows you to do price comparisons without leaving the store. Just scan a bar code and it will give you on-line and local retail prices from participating retailers. 

3. - Cozi is a great family organizer. It provides a calendar to record each family member's activities with reminders and weekly agendas. You can sync everyone's phone so you all have access. Create to-do lists and text them directly to your teens. It also offers meal planners, dinner ideas, recipe savers, grocery lists, etc. 

4. GroceryIQ - I love this one! No more scraps of paper with lists for Target, Costco, grocery store, etc. No more arriving at the store without your list. Grocery IQ allows you to create lists right on your phone, so you always have them with you. You can speak, scan, or type the item into your phone to add it to your list. It automatically categorizes your list by isle. Save specific info (make/model/size/color) for products like printer ink, vacuum bags, make up, etc. Sync with family members so everyone can add to the lists, or have the lists with them when they're near a store. 

5. Key Ring App - Purge your wallet of loyalty, membership, and gift cards. Simply scan them into your smart phone with your Key Ring App and show your phone when using a card or coupon. 

6. - Mint is all about keeping your finances organized. You can create a budget, organize bills, and receive alerts for potential late fees. It also has tools to help you set goals and calculate paying off loans. You'll have access to easy to read graphs and charts to track your financial history.


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

-Arthur C. Clarke

FEATURED LINK - Check out the video of my TV segment on "Techy Organizing." Feel free to "Like" my Facebook page while there.

A few of my favorite things...

Yesterday a client asked, "So, are you busier this time of year?" People often associate getting organized with the new year. In fact, January is Get Organized Month! 

In recognition, I've snapped some pics of a few of my favorite things when it comes to organizing my own stuff. If gathering organizing ideas appeals to you, consider signing up for my next "Organizing Your Paper, Space, and Life" class . 

And yes, it has been busy, but the "season of overwhelm" comes at different times for everyone. Not all, but most of my clients call during one of those seasons. If you find yourself in a season of overwhelm, I can help you discover life beyond clutter and chaos and produce the peaceful, productive environment you long for. 

​My office closet

​My office closet

TIMELY TIPS - A Few of My Favorite Things 


1.  Sterlite 16 quart storage box ( If you gage my favorite product by the quantity I own, this definitely wins. I use them to store candles, CDs, craft supplies, batteries, light bulbs, extension cords, journals, first aid, travel supplies, hats, purses... get the idea?  


2.  Belt/ScarfHolder ( I love the easy access I have to my belts and scarves on these belt hangers. They have hooks on both sides so each belt or scarf has its own home. You never need to pick up one to get to another. They're not always easy to find in stores, but I did see them in the dollar section at Target once - so keep an eye out. For now, you can find them at the "Organize It" link above.                          

3.  Hanging Shoe Organizer ( In between my belts and scarves you see my hanging shoe organizer (above). This is a great way to use the vertical space in my closet for some of my shoes and specialty socks. : )


4.  Spice Drawer - OK, so this isn't a product, but I love mylittle spice drawer. They all lay in a single layer, label side up. So easy to see what I have! The larger, Costco-size, spices stand in the cabinet above. 


5.  Vanity Organizer ( I keep my daily use items on the bathroom counter in this handy organizer. When cleaning the countertop, I pick up one thing, instead of a dozen!


6.   Drawer Organizer ( Contrary to popular practice, you really don't need a "junk" drawer. My drawer organizer creates individual homes for everything I need. 


​7.  Milk Crate ( One of my favorite uses for this is at Costco. I take mine in and have them pack my small stuff in it instead of coming home with one of their cardboard boxes. It also has ledges for hanging files if you need a portable file holder.


8.  Cabinet Shelf ( I store my Christmas dishes in the cabinet above the fridge. This free-standing shelf allows me to use the vertical space more efficiently. 


9.  Under-cabinet Drawers ( A handy supply of necessities is stored under the bathroom sink in these pull-out drawers.

10. Last, but not least is my Freedom Filer. It takes the dread out of filing and makes retrieval a breeze! (


"Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up."

-A.A. Milne

I'm not organized... yet!


 I don't play the bass guitar... yet! A couple weeks ago that sentence would have read, "I don't play the bass guitar." It wasn't that I didn't want to, it's been my dream since Jr. High, but I needed a series of events to make that change.  

  So, what do you not do... yet? It may be speaking a different language, yoga, scrapbooking, golf, etc. Or maybe, since you're reading this newsletter, it has to do with organizing! Lucky for you I just happen to have some Timely Tips from my guitar experience that can help you achieve your organizing, and other goals!

TIMELY TIPS - I'm not organized... yet! 

1. Know what your goal is. I didn't want to play just any stringed instrument. I wanted to play the bass. Identify aspecific area of your home or office that you want organized.

2. Acquire support. I found a bass at a flea market in my neighborhood, but never would have made the purchase without my husband and a friend, who knows guitars, saying, "Go for it!" Find a friend, family member, or colleague who thinks your organizing goal is a great idea and will cheer you on. 

3. Make yourself accountable. Posting my purchase on Facebook made me feel more accountable to do something with it. Write down your next action step, give yourself a deadline, and ask someone to check up on your progress. At one of my speaking events a woman shared that she and a friend text "before" pictures to each other of an area they're going to organize. After a specified amount of time, they text each other the "after" shot. Great accountability!    

4. Jam with friends. My friend Julie, who in recent years took up the drums, said, "Let's jam," and gave me a song to work on. Another friend Frayda, of the musically gifted Bluestein family, chimed in and said she'd join us on the electric guitar. The thought of "jamming" with my friends was a great jump start for me. Consider making your organizing project a family affair, or find a friend to help. My sister and I give each other a Lunch 'n Labor gift each birthday. The birthday girl gets to pick a project that she would rather not do alone. We work on it together and treat ourselves to lunch.  

5. Obtain the proper tools. An electric bass without an amplifier is not much good. Fortunately I already had one, but I'll need to purchase a case. Having the right organizing products can help tremendously. But before running out to purchase them, take stock of what you have or what might become available as you de-clutter. 

6. Seek good instruction. I bought the Hal Leonard Bass book and DVD, but I think it's going to take the commitment of lessons with a professional to keep me on task. I see many clients with a plethora of organizing books. If it works for you to read and apply-- great! Another option is to sign up for my organizing class or schedule a session and let me help you get moving toward your goal.    


"When you're at the beginning, don't obsess about the middle, because the middle is going to look different when you get there. Just look for a strong beginning and a strong ending and get moving."

-Chip & Dan Heath

Back to School... already?? or All Ready!

Back in the day, preparing for school meant heading to Sears for a couple new dresses, some socks, and a pair of shoes. School supplies were provided at school. They even threw in free milk and graham crackers!

​My kindergarten class 1963

​My kindergarten class 1963

These days there's a little more involved. Besides loading up on binders, paper, and pens, check out Timely Tips for ideas on how to prepare your kids and their environment for a successful school year. 

TIMELY TIPS - Back to School... all ready!!

1. Gather Supplies

  • Start with a supply list from the teacher.
  • Check your stock on hand before purchasing new supplies.
  • Label all the supplies with your child's name.

2. Create Homes for Everything! 

  • Inside Backpack - Use zippered or lidded containers for pens, pencils, etc. Prepare a binder with labeled pocket dividers designated for each school subject. Prepare two binders (odd day/even day), for students on block schedule. Prepare a folder labeled "Parent Papers" for handouts needing to be seen/signed by you.
  • School Desk Supplies - Use drawer dividers to sort and store desk supplies at school, keeping like things together.
  • At Home - Designate a homework area and equip a nearby drawer or cabinet  with a container of pens, paper, scissors, etc. Provide an accessible hook or shelf for each child's backpack so it can be put away and found when needed. Designate an in/out tray or basket for the "Parent Papers" folder. Prepare a plastic file tote for each child with files labeled by month or subject for school papers that need to be saved. Purge after each semester or at the end of the school year. Place a plastic bin in the closet or under the bed for larger keepsake projects. 

3. Calendars

  • Provide Middle and High School students with paper or electronic assignment calendars. Instruct them on their use and keep tabs on them as needed. 
  • Create a master family calendar for the wall or use an online calendar (see featured link).

4. Rules and Routines

  • Clearly define school-day rules and routines (morning, after school, bedtime) using chore charts, homework schedules, reward plans, etc.
  • Have students lay out their clothes and fill their backpacks the night before with completed homework, clean PE/sports clothes, etc.
  • Establish boundaries for computer use, video games, TV, etc. 
  • Schedule a weekly family time to view and discuss upcoming activities and schedules.


  Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.   -William Butler Yeats

It's not my job...

​My husband, Scott, with Candice "mowing the laundry" 1986

​My husband, Scott, with Candice "mowing the laundry" 1986

"Mommy, I'll do that for you when I'm big, OK?" These were the sweet words of my three-year-old daughter, Candice, as I was scrubbing the toilet one day. Needless to say, I wrote it down and had her scribble a "C" next to it. 

   When my second-born, Rachel, was four she announced, "Mommy, I'm going to do all your work for you today!" So I asked, "What kind of work are you going to do?" She replied, "Like mow the laundry." Why is it that kids want to do stuff only until they're actually big enough to do it?

   My friend, Deanna's, little boy was telling his family about his day at school and said they talked about the chores they have at home. He said all the kids thought he was so lucky when he told them he didn't have any. His mom replied, "What are you talking about? You set the table, empty the dishwasher, clean your room, sort, fold, and put away laundry, make your bed, and clear the table after meals." He looked at her strangely and said, "Those aren't 'chores,' those are just the things I do."

   That little guy has it right! Being part of a family is like being part of a baseball team. When the ball comes to you, you don't consider it a chore to catch it and put it where it needs to go next... that's just what you do. And you wouldn't expect the coach or manager to cover your position on the field. Does your family function as a team? Check out Timely Tips for some family team building strategies. 


The Five "C's" of Family Teamwork 

1.  Create the Climate - Whether you're tweaking established routines, or introducing family chores for the first time communicate how important each family member's role is to the success of the family team. Choose an analogy that your family can relate to - a sports team, band, cheer squad, etc. Note how winning teams encourage each other with high fives and hugs. Thank your kids for doing their chores even though it's expected, and let them catch you and your spouse thanking each other for daily duties. We all like to feel appreciated! 

2.  Clearly Define Duties - A pitcher isn't just told to throw the ball as fast as he can to the backstop. He's trained to aim for home base between the shoulders and knees of the batter. Likewise, everyone in the family needs to know what's expected of them. Not simply - "clean your room." Show and tell them exactly what that looks like. Chore charts are a handy tool too (

3.  Cover - If the ball is hit to left field, the center fielder doesn't just stand there thinking, "It's not my job to catch the left field balls." He runs over to cover, in case the left fielder isn't able to complete the play. Family teams are strengthened as Dad and Mom model this type of character and kids are on the giving and receiving end of occasionally covering for one another.  

4.  Consistency - Practice, practice, practice! Following through is as draining on parents as it is on children, but have you ever seen a successful team that doesn't consistently practice? Be consistent in requiring your kids to follow through with their clearly defined duties. You and they will reap the benefits!

5.  Consequences - Every family must determine their own reward/punishment system for this training process. Personally, I like the idea that there are some things family members do, just because they're part of the family. There may be other occasional jobs that they are paid for. A negative consequence for one who has failed to meet his/her obligations might be to assign an additional chore from your backburner list. That way you benefit either way! : ) 

Wise Words

The name we give something shapes our attitude toward it.    --Katherine Paterson

Too much of a good thing


Going to BJ's Restaurant is a treat. The choice is easy when it comes to dessert, but with so many great items on the dinner menu, deciding what to have is difficult for me. Whoever said, "You can't have too much of a good thing" was, in my opinion, wrong. (That's also why you see four spoons for one Pizookie.)

Today's Timely Tips highlight some common areas in which we find ourselves with "too much of a good thing" and some practical strategies to combat the issue.  

TIMELY TIPS - What to do with your "too much." 

1.  Toys - Kids are prone to overwhelm when it comes to choices -- even when it's choosing between good stuff! Sort through their toys, eliminating the broken and donating the unused or grown out of. Keep only the amount that can be stored in an orderly and accessible manner. Rotate excess favorites if need be, storing them out of sight/reach. This will create a more pleasurable play environment. 

2.  Magazines - If looking at the stack of magazines next to your recliner creates anxiety rather than anticipation, you probably have too many. Think realistically about how much time you actually read magazines on a monthly basis and keep only that which you can get through in a month's time. Yes, it will hurt to discard the rest, but only for awhile. You'll get the next issue soon. The reward is now seeing your magazines as a blessing rather than a burden.   

3.  Greeting Cards & Stationary - If exhausting your supply of cards and stationary would require you to live to be 150, it's time to purge. Decide how much to keep based on the frequency of use, and the amount of space you want to allot those items. Find a container or drawer that will match the criteria and maintain that boundary. This may mean donating the next set of unsolicited note cards you receive in the mail with a request for a donation.  

4.  Clothes - Unless you host a daily talk show on TV, you probably don't need a different outfit for every day of the year, or even month. Most of us wear a very small portion of the clothes we own. The rest are taking up precious space and making it difficult to find the items we wear. Purge the items that don't look or feel great on you. Keep a few from the size you're working toward. Then, enjoy the ability to easily find the clothes you love and wear.    

5.  Organizing Books and Products - If you find your home cluttered by your attempts to get organized, it's time to call a professional. Disorganization is not a character flaw. If your child is struggling with math applications, you get a tutor. If you're struggling with getting organized, I will be happy to personally guide you through the steps you need to take to achieve your goals. 


Before buying something, ask yourself, "is this going to make my life noticeably better?" --Paul Graham

The OBC Diet Plan

Food in Fridge.jpg

The other night I returned from a family dinner with some left-over veggies from the veggie/dip plate I brought. I tossed them into a clear bowl with some plastic wrap and put them in the fridge. Not only did they look pretty sitting there all red, orange, green, yellow, and whatever color peeled cucumbers are, but the next time I went for a snack, I actually grabbed some and ate them!

   I would venture to say that many of you, like me, consider part of the definition of a snack something that you don't have to prepare when you want to eat it. When I opened the fridge and the veggies were there, all washed and chopped, they suddenly became a viable snack!  

   Check out this issues Timely Tips and discover how organizing your food can lead to a healthier you!  

TIMELY TIPS - The OBC Diet Plan 

1.  Make healthier foods more accessible. Prepare some fruits and vegetables in snack-size pieces and place them in a clear container, front and center in the fridge. This can be done by cutting extra when preparing a salad, or taking time to do so when putting the groceries away.  

2.  Place some of your cut-up fruits and veggies in snack-size Ziplocks to take with you for break-time at work. 

3.  Place less nutritious foods and drinks in the back of the fridge-- out of sight and less accessible.  

4.  Organize the rest of your fridge using the drawers and sections for their intended purpose (veggie drawer, meat/cheese drawer, etc.)-- creating a home for everything. When it's easier to find what you're looking for, cooking at home will be more pleasurable. Thus, less fast food. 

5.  Assign a specific spot in the fridge for left-overs (another good alternative to fast food). This will keep them from being forgotten and wasted. Store them in clear glass containers (pictured above) so you can see what's inside and put them straight into the microwave.  

6.  Organize the freezer placing like things together and healthier food choices in front. By keeping frequently purchased items in the same spot, you can easily check stock and know what you need to add to your grocery list.


If your goals aren't clear and your thinking isn't focused, you can't break the habits that stand in your way.   --Peter Walsh